Life Events

As a community, we support and celebrate with one another in all stages of life. If you are interested in scheduling a baptism, wedding, or funeral, please click the button below to learn more.


Baptism at Covenant

In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased."

Mark 1:9-11

We’re so glad you’re interested in learning more about baptism! Baptism tells us that we are part of the family of God. It’s all about grace – God’s grace-filled love that can’t be earned but is given to you no matter who you are. At Covenant, baptism is also about relationship. Our congregation makes promises to whoever is being baptized – adults, children, or infants – that we will support you in your faith journey.

Baptism is the sign and seal of inclusion in God’s grace and covenant with the Church. The Presbyterian Church (USA) teaches that "the baptism of children witnesses to the truth that God’s love claims people before they are able to respond in faith" and the baptism of adults upon profession of faith "witnesses to the truth of God’s gift of grace." Baptism services are conducted during regular Sunday worship and are occasions of great joy for the Covenant community!

The Sacrament of Baptism holds a deep reservoir of theological meaning, including: dying and rising with Jesus Christ; pardon, cleansing, and renewal; the gift of the Holy Spirit; incorporation into the body of Christ; and a sign of the realm of God. Our theological tradition (the Reformed tradition) understands Baptism to be a sign of God’s covenant – God’s promises to us.

For baptisms of infants and children, at least one parent/guardian should be a member of the church. When an infant or child is baptized, the entire Covenant congregation commits itself to help guide and nurture the child in Christian life. To schedule a baptism, please contact the church office by clicking the button below or calling the church at 610-648-0707.

-Pastor Alex and Pastor Maggie

Contact the church office about baptism

How can I prepare for baptism?

As a church in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denomination, we encourage all people to be baptized “without undue haste or undue delay.” This means that in ordinary circumstances, we encourage you to meet with a pastor before baptism. Take the first step by clicking the button above or calling the church at 610-648-0707.

Covenant practices baptism for infant, children, and adults

Covenant practices both infant and adult (believer’s) baptism. This means that people of any age are eligible to be baptized. The baptism of believers reminds us that God’s gift of grace calls for our grateful response. The baptism of our young children reminds us that God’s love comes to us even before we are able to respond in faith.

All people are invited to be baptized.

Baptism is the bond of unity in Jesus Christ. When we are baptized, we are made one with Christ, with one another, and with the Church of every time and place. In Christ, barriers of race, status, and gender are overcome; we are called to seek reconciliation in the Church and world, in Jesus’ name.

Do I have to be a member to be baptized/have my child baptized?

Adults and older children become members of Covenant Presbyterian Church when they are baptized. Younger children and infants do not become “members” until they are able to profess their faith on their own. Instead, we ask that at least one parent be a member of a Christian church. Ordinarily, that will mean at least one parent is a member at Covenant! But all people are welcome to the sacrament.

Do you offer dedications or blessings of infants?

Yes. While we encourage parents to baptize their infant because of the symbolism that God reaches out to offer grace before we can respond, we also respect the wishes of parents who desire to wait until their children are older. A blessing or dedication of an infant is ordinarily done in the infant's room at home, to recognize and celebrate God's place in the life of the child.

How does Covenant support baptized children as they grow? Does Covenant offer Confirmation classes?

When an infant is baptized, the parents are given books and a candle that can be used to teach their child about baptism and remind them of their baptism as they grow. Then when a child is old enough, typically around age 13, they are invited to join a confirmation class. Sometimes confirmation might be delayed or accelerated based on the child's maturity and how many other children are interested, because confirmation works well when a large enough cohort is available.

Confirmation is the response of a child to the promise of grace received at baptism. At Covenant, confirmation is all about how a young person responds to God's grace, and so confirmation does not necessarily lead to church membership. Instead, once a young person completes confirmation, they become eligible to join the church by attending a new member class. If you are interested in confirmation for yourself or your child, please contact one of the pastors.

What if I have other questions?

Pastor Alex and Pastor Maggie would love to talk with you about baptism. Please click the button below to get in touch or call the church at 610-648-0707.

Contact the church office about baptism


Weddings at Covenant

The exchange of wedding vows is an act of worship joyfully celebrated at Covenant. We would be honored to help you make the celebration of your commitment to one another a lovely and meaningful event.

The church sanctuary is available for weddings performed by one of the pastors of the church. Choosing to have your wedding in a sanctuary is a choice to establish your wedding on a foundation of faith, prayer, and worship - a beautiful choice that honors God as well as the couple and their families. Our beautiful sanctuary seats a maximum of 200 guests. There are comfortable spaces for the
wedding party and attendants. Our Lower Level and Community Life Center spaces are available for receptions. While there is no membership requirement to get married here, we welcome you to
consider joining Covenant Presbyterian Church and becoming part of our faith community.

To learn more about making Covenant a part of your wedding celebrations, please click here to contact the church office or call 610-648-0707. Here are a few things to be aware of as you plan your wedding:

  • While there is no membership to get married at Covenant, we welcome you to consider joining Covenant Presbyterian Church to become part of our faith community.
  • All couples who desire a Christian wedding are welcome. Covenant does not discriminate based on the genders of the couple to be married nor does Covenant discriminate based on the religion of the couple as long as at least one member of the couple is Christian. In the case of an ecumenical/interfaith ceremony, please contact Covenant before contacting other religious leaders.
  • Pre-marital counseling is required for all couples, and must be done through a pastor or a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
  • A consultation with the church organist is required in most circumstances, and music is subject to approval of the pastor
  • Sanctuary seating capacity is approximately 200
  • Suggested donation for use of the sanctuary is $500 for those who are not members or children of members
  • A pastor's honorarium of $500 is suggested. Other fees including setup, housekeeping, and music are available upon request
  • Alcohol is not permitted on church property
  • The pastor usually does not assume that an invitation will be extended to participate at the rehearsal dinner or reception. If the couple or family does desire to invite the pastor, please do so far in advance.


Funerals at Covenant

A funeral or memorial service offers the comfort and reassurance of God’s love and resurrection promise even in times of deep sadness. Covenant is honored to offer pastoral care and support for members of our congregation and the community at large. We work with families and loved ones to provide a personal service that offers thanks for the life of the deceased, surrounds mourners with love and compassion, and affirms the hope of the resurrection promise. Please call the office or click here to contact us to make preparations for a memorial or funeral service.

In times of grief and loss, a community of faith can be a comfort, reminding us of God’s promises of love and eternal life that will one day triumph over suffering and death. When a loved one dies, we would be honored to support you. One of the terms we use for a funeral is “Witness to the Resurrection,” because at these services we stand as witnesses to the truth that death does not have the ultimate victory, even as we mourn the loss of a loved one.

-Pastor Alex and Pastor Maggie

Funeral and memorial services are available for both members and non-members. We do not require that the deceased has professed Christian faith, though our funeral services are Christian services. Funerals and memorial services can be performed with a casket present, with an urn present, or without remains present. Services typically cost around $700-850 for a service in the church building (depending on whether you need to host a reception in the church building or livestream the service for people who are unable to attend in person). If you do not have a funeral director and would like to start the planning process, or if you would like more information directly from us, click the button below or call the church office at 610-648-0707.

contact the church office about a funeral 

Funerals and memorial services are typically scheduled on weekday mornings, though scheduling is flexible depending on availability. They can be held at various locations: in the church sanctuary, at a local funeral home, or even at the graveside. Our goal is to work with you to craft a service that fits your needs, and therefore our offerings are very flexible.

What happens during the funeral planning process?

After the church is notified of a service request, Pastor Alex and/or Pastor Maggie will get in touch to arrange a meeting with loved ones responsible for planning the service. We’ll spend time talking with you about your loved one and share specifics about the service you would like to plan. We offer a template funeral which typically takes 30-45 minutes that can be customized to your needs, which you’ll have the opportunity to review with the pastor(s). We will ask about special music, scriptures, and readings that you might like to include, but we will also have options to suggest based on our conversation together. If you need to host a reception at the church, you’ll be contacted by a member of our hospitality team to arrange food pickup/delivery and table setup. Typically, on the day before the funeral and/or the morning of the funeral, the church facility can be made available for flower deliveries and setup of memorabilia.

What other support is available? 

Covenant is a Stephen Ministry congregation. Stephen Ministers are thoroughly trained and supervised church members who offer a listening ear and prayerful support to those experience grief, loss, change, and trauma, typically for a few weeks of time. Their services are available for free to anyone.

Contact Pastor Alex about Stephen Ministry

Pastor Alex and Pastor Maggie are both available for pastoral support. Our calling is to share God’s love with others, particularly those experience difficulties. We would love to spend time with you, and can also help you find other resources that would help. 

Contact Pastor Maggie Contact Pastor Alex

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Use the form below for more info about weddings, baptisms, or funerals.

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