
Youth group is a place for students to explore their faith and doubts, form lifelong friendships, and have fun together! Youth group meets most weeks during the school year. Youth are welcome in all aspects of church life! To learn more about how you or your child could get involved in youth ministry at Covenant, contact Dara Harris, Director of Children and Youth Ministries.


Contact Dara Harris, scroll down to learn more, or visit our FAQ section below.

Dara Harris

Sunday evenings

Youth Group

Students, 6th - 12th grade, meet every Sunday, 4:30 - 6 p.m. in the Covenant Community Life Center.
A safe space to worship, learn, and share life experiences with spiritual guidance - and plenty of fun too! Dinner provided.

Parents, there is no cost to attend and pre-registration is not required but we do need emergency contact information for each student. If you would like fill out this information ahead of time, click on the button below.

Register Your Student for Youth Group

Special youth events

Sun. January 12th, 4:30 - 6 p.m. - Movie Night with St. John's
Sun. February 16th, 4:30 - 6 p.m. - Flick of the Wrist glow painting with St. John's
Sun. April 27th, 10 a.m. - Youth Sunday
Sun. June 1st, 4:30 - 6 p.m. - Year End Celebration!

youth fundraisers

Sun. March 16th, 11 a.m. - Pancake Brunch
Sat. May 31st - Car Wash


Registration is now open for our youth summer 2025 retreats to Massanetta Springs Camp in Harrisonburg, VA (Middle School) and Montreat Conference Center in NC (High School) in collaboration with St. John’s Presbyterian.

Click Here for Dates and Registration

Serve in the Youth Ministry

Ministry to children and youth is possible only with the support of a large team of dedicated volunteers.  Please prayerfully consider how you can offer your time and talent to help Covenant’s young people grow their faith.

All volunteers who, as part of a regularly scheduled program, activity or service, accept responsibility for a child or have direct contact with children shall be required to complete and provide:

  • Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance through the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare 
  • Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check 
  • FBI Criminal History Report – this step requires fingerprints. 
    • If a volunteer has lived in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania consecutively for the last 10 years, a notarized affidavit is acceptable.  
  • Signed Participation Covenant Agreement

Click the button below to send an email to Dara Harris, Director of Children and Youth Ministries if you are interested in volunteering and she will contact you with more information.

contact dara


If my family attends another church (or does not regularly attend any church), can my student still attend the youth group?

Yes! We welcome people from every corner of faith! We encourage students to worship with their family and to attend youth group at their church if it is available. But, many churches are not able to support a robust Youth Ministry Program program. Our youth groups include young people who attend Covenant, as well as Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics, and those who do not attend any church.

Who is working with my child?

The Youth Ministry Program includes adults and parents drawn from the Covenant Presbyterian Church staff and congregation. All adults involved in our Youth Ministry Program have completed Covenant’s Guardian Certification in compliance with Pennsylvania regulations.

What happens at a typical youth group meeting?

A typical youth group meeting includes a game or a fun activity, worship, and time for spiritual growth. Additional group activities include events like bowling, laser tag, trips to a corn maze, and service opportunities.

Where are youth group meetings held?

We meet at the Covenant Community Life Center, behind the church.

Is there a fee to for my child to participate in the Youth Ministry Program?

No! There is no cost to attend the youth program; Covenant Presbyterian Church and youth fundraisers held throughout the year help to fund the Youth Ministry Program. However, students do pay a cost for activities outside the regular program, such as retreats, mission trips. For all activities, scholarships are available to students in need. The church welcomes donations for the program and its activities.

Are there attendance requirements?

No, although we do encourage students to attend as frequently as possible. Don’t be shocked if a youth leader calls or texts after not seeing your child for a few weeks – we work to engage the students actively because relationships are critical to fostering spiritual growth.

How can parents get involved?

We love parents! Without parent and volunteer involvement, the ministry could not function, so we encourage parental involvement. In compliance with Pennsylvania regulations, all volunteers must complete our Guardian Ministry program before becoming involved in the ministry. Please talk to the Youth Director about getting certified.

Does youth group take a break for the summer?

Youth group slows down over the summer but does not take a break. The youth groups often engage in week-long trips during the summer months. In a typical summer, the youth groups will travel for a service trip and a youth conference. In past years, students have gone to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, West Virginia, Vermont, Belize, and the far-off land of West Chester. For all activities, scholarships are available to students in need, and someone is always available to answer your questions about specific activities.

Meet the Staff