Next Steps

Everyone has a next step. What's yours?

People talking around a table

The people of Covenant have found a spiritual home where God's love has the run of the house, and we hope you'll consider us your spiritual home as well. Let us introduce ourselves to you.

If you haven't worshiped God with us on a Sunday morning, take a look at our Youtube Channel or subscribe to our Sermon Podcast.

Want to dive deeper into the Bible readings from the sermons? Sunday School meets at 9:00 a.m. every week September through May, and our staff and volunteers teach age-level appropriate lessons for young children every Sunday morning during worship at Children's Church and in the nursery. 

If you're ready to learn more about Covenant and find out where you fit - or make a commitment to be a member of the church - click here to send a message to Pastor Alex and Pastor Maggie and find a time to have a conversation about your faith journey.

All people - members and non-members alike - are invited to serve and learn in our small groups, missions, and ministries. From handbells and choir to book clubs and mission trips, there are ways to take the next step that God is calling you towards.

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Next Steps