Music & the Arts

The Music Ministry at Covenant is vibrant and varied, full of the faith-filled expressions of a diverse body of believers. We have music programs for everyone at Covenant.

Our favorite hymns, our music groups, and our individual gifts are as varied as our faces. Yet when all of us (adults, teens, and children) combine our hearts and offer our worship to God as one body, there truly is a “sweet, sweet Spirit in this place.”

Music Ministry at Covenant is stylistically inclusive, intergenerational, and always evolving. Our music groups meet as ministry calls, not only preparing music, but also preparing servants to proclaim God’s life in our midst.

For questions or inquiries, contact Amy McLoughlin, Director of Music:   

Participants in the Covenant Music Programs can access information and materials by clicking the button below. The Music Resources page will open in a new window.

Music Resources


The Worship Choir

Thursdays, 6:45 – 8:30 p.m. in the Music Room

The Covenant Worship choir consists of members of the Chancel Choir PLUS any and all singers who want to join in to provide music for the Concerts for the Christ Child (held in early December) and/or the Palm Sunday worship services.

We have an exciting program to prepare that includes performances by not only the Worship Choir, but also the Unity Ringers, brass, keyboard, percussion and more! Feel free to bring a friend. We’ll supply the music, fun, and even a pencil! All you need to bring is your voice and a willing spirit to sing!! Previous music experience not required, but always welcome!

The Chancel Choir

Thursdays, 7 – 8:30 p.m. in the Music Room

The Chancel Choir provides worship music for Sunday mornings and special services throughout the church year. We welcome everyone (high school through adult) with a strong desire to sing! No experience necessary.

Questions? Contact Amy McGloughlin


Unity Handbells

Tuesdays from 6:15 – 8:00 p.m. in the Music Room. Sept – May

This adult group of handbell ringers welcomes new members. Join us to learn music, enjoy teamwork, and lead worship through song on select Sunday mornings and special services.

The Salt and Light Ringers

Sundays at 11:15 a.m. in the Music Room (twice a month)

Participants ages 12 and up are invited to this month to month handbell ringing group, meaning you can just participate for one month at a time as you are able. There will be two Sunday rehearsals (11:15 a.m.) leading to the performance of one selection in one Sunday morning worship service that month (10 a.m.). No musical experience or knowledge needed!

Questions? Contact Patti Mann

Covenant Worship Arts

Various dates throughout the year, Mondays, 7 p.m.

This unique group of singers and instrumentalists gathers to offer more Contemporary style music for select worship services. The unique part of this group lies in how we prepare for worship. Each rehearsal is specific to a dedicated worship service. This allows for flexibility within the group. We welcome any and everyone with a heart for music and worship. You don’t need to be able to read music to participate. If you want to learn more, please contact Amy McLoughlin.

Questions? Contact Amy McGloughlin

Meet the Staff